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International Asperger’s Day

International Asperger’s Day

International Asperger’s Day is a day to raise awareness of the condition that affects approximately 37.2million individuals globally. It is a day to celebrate the individuals overcoming many challenges each day and acknowledging their achievements whilst living with...

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Benefits of Manual Therapy

Benefits of Manual Therapy

Manual therapy benefits are often reinforced by your physiotherapist providing individually tailored strengthening, stability or mobility exercises, that help you achieve your goals.

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How to Manage Diabetes with Exercise

How to Manage Diabetes with Exercise

Rates of individuals diagnosed with a type of diabetes is becoming increasingly common. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016) recorded an approximate 5.1% of the Australian population being diagnosed with some form of diabetes, with a diagnostic rate increase of 0.7% between 2014-15.

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Many who go on diets achieve weight-loss, whether it is 2kg or 20kg. What most people don’t achieve is sustaining their desired weight for the long-term. Diets are designed for rapid results. However they are not designed for sustainable long-term results. What is required is a long-term approach. This leads us onto intermittent fasting and the health benefits associated to this way of approaching food, health and nutrition.

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Are Core and Abs the Same Thing?

Are Core and Abs the Same Thing?

The usual image we hold for training our ‘core’ is getting down and smashing out as many sit-ups as we can. This is usually with a training partner holding our feet or the classic manoeuvre of using the underside of the bed to fix our feet in place. However, is this an accurate exercise for replicating the movements and functions of the ‘core’?

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A Basic Guide to Protein

A Basic Guide to Protein

If you have been inside a gym facility of any kind I’m sure you’ve seen people rattling their shakers and downing protein shakes pretty much as soon as they leave the gym floor. Why do so many gym goers consume protein?

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Health Choices Taken by Men

Health Choices Taken by Men

Physical and mental health have strong behavioural components – this means what you do every day produces most major health markers. Evidence shows that men suffer from an extraordinarily high levels of chronic illness as a result of lifestyle choices.

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