Soft tissue injuries have long been managed by the guiding principles of Protect, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation or better known as the acronym P.R.I.C.E. These principles have since been scrutinized with limited evidence or justification. These guidelines also have little follow-on through to the sub-acute and re-modelling-phases-of healing. Things such as ice have shown little benefit other than a limited analgesic effect, and resting for much longer than required can lead to issues with scar tissue build-up.

Rehabilitation of soft tissue injuries now should be given P.E.A.C.E and L.O.V.E to optimize recovery in the short and long term with consideration of the injured person and their holistic health.

P for Protect:

Relative rest for a short period of 1-3 days with pain as your guide.

E for Elevate:

Raise the injured area above the heart.

A for Avoid Anti-inflammatories

It is essential for the early inflammatory reaction to be uninterrupted. Anti-inflammatories and even excessive icing of the area can disrupt the natural process of immediate tissue healing that are needed for long term outcomes.

C for Compress

Using bandages or taping will help to limit edema and internal


E for Educate

Your therapist will encourage an active recovery approach as soon as appropriate. This includes being aware of tissue healing time-frames.

Once the inflammation has settled in the first few days it is time for the next phase:

L is for Load

Appropriate exercise has shown significant benefit in the recovery of acute soft tissue injuries. Optimal load will allow for effective tissue regeneration and builds back up tissue tolerances.

O for Optimism

It is always good to stay positive! Time-frames can often be affected by fear, stress and anxiety. So don’t be afraid to load!

V for Vascularisation

Pain free aerobic-exercise can be started early and allow for blood flow to the injured area. This will bring some much needed fresh nutrients to the area for repair.

E for Exercise

The best evidence has shown exercise is critical to the recovery and prevention of injury. Although pain should always be your guide, it is important to restore range of motion, increase mobility, improve strength and regain proprioception early after injury

So there you have it, throw out the ice, TENS machine and don’t worry about the PRICE for acute soft tissue injuries because all you need is PEACE & LOVE. Come in and see our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists for some management and exercises for any injuries you may and show your body some peace and love.



Dubois, B., & Esculier, J. (2020). Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 54(2), 72–73.