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Nutrition & The Holiday Season

Nutrition & The Holiday Season

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge that holidays are a time to relax, enjoy your time with family and friends with yummy foods and drinks. Don’t think of holidays as a speed bump to your health and fitness. Health and fitness go way beyond physical health,...

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Allergy Awareness Week

Allergy Awareness Week

This week (23-30th May) is Food Allergy Awareness week and here at the Fit Lab, we’re taking the initiative to raise awareness on food intolerances and food allergies. Did you know that Australia has one of the highest incidences of food allergy in the world and this...

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World Immunodeficiency Week

World Immunodeficiency Week

It's Immunodeficiency Week and here at The Fit Lab we are recognising the ways that Exercise and Nutrition affect your immune system.  Proper nutrition and physical activity are an important part of managing normal healthy lifestyle as well as boost your immunity to...

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World Sleep Day

World Sleep Day

Sleep is an important part of your day, if you don’t get enough of it your body doesn’t perform optimally and there is a decline in the physiological systems of the body.  Lack of sleep can reduce your memory function, information processing and increase anxiety...

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Endometriosis Awareness Month

Endometriosis Awareness Month

March marks the month of Endometriosis Awareness! Endometriosis is a condition that causes tissue, similar to that usually found in the womb, to grow outside the womb in other areas of the body. This lining is known as the endometrial tissue and causes a high amount...

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Injury Nutrition

Injury Nutrition

Injuries happen. The question is – after they happen, how can you help the body heal? For most athletes and general gym goers, the idea that nutrition can play a powerful role in injury recovery makes perfect sense. Optimal nutrition can play a key role in controlling...

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